Here I am, sitting around on my couch post-State of the Union. I guess I should write some thoughtful response to our President's address to the nation, but frankly I need to read a transcript to remember all of the major points and to make a thoughtful comment. My initial reaction: I did enjoy was the fact that he finally stepped up to the plate and seemed like a strong leader. He didn't shy away from the people that disagree with him, and I'm glad that he called out the Supreme Court for their decision last week on campaign finance. It was a direct shot at Kentucky's own Mitch McConnell when he said "Just saying no may be good short term politics, but it's not leadership." It's time for the Republicans to finally come to the table and stop being so damn personal. These people were elected into their offices to govern a country, NOT to ensure that this President fails and that healthcare reform "will be his Waterloo." (Thank you, Jim DeMint, R-South Carolina)...Enough of that.
In other news, I ran with a group for the first time tonight. I finally took the time to step out of my comfort zone a bit and meet new people here in Lexington. I had faint memories of my freshman year of college - "Hi, I'm Rachael and I'm new to the group." But it was fun, my pace time increased, and it looks like they want me to stick around for a while. Our course took us through my soon-to-be new neighborhood and I loved every bit of it. I'm going to love living in Chevy Chase. And I'm going to love running with a group. They'll help keep me motivated, accountable and on track. As George Clooney stated in a movie recently, "Life's better with company." I cherish my solitude and independence, but it's nice to have others around. Although I'm not prepared to figure out the whole "co-pilot" aspect of the rest of that movie quote..
Since I'm supposedly all grown up now, I guess that means it's about my bedtime. I haven't been sleeping well, and it's been nearly impossible for me to get up in the mornings. Hopefully I can rest up this weekend, get out for a long run (eek - 8 miles), and do my taxes. I need a couple of good, relaxing days before we start preparing for the move in a few weeks.
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